At Tabanero Cigars we are different. We believe in Tampa fresh handmade cigars. Every twenty five Tampa handmade cigars sold, a Cuban American artisan will take home $25 to $30 dollars. A roller can make 150 fine cigars a day. Your palette will enjoy a fine fresh cigar that has only been on the shelf twenty one days. This benefits our customers with a fine smoke as well as our community industry.
We are much more than just cigar makers. From the Ybor district of historic Tampa Florida, the heart and soul of America's cigar history we create cigars that are truly special. Our passion for hand making the perfect cigar is reflective of our Cuban heritage and our factory here in Tampa brings that history and love of quality alive.
We are committed to the finest principles and care in our products and for us, each cigar is an extension of our love for cigar making. We believe it is an artistry, an artistry that we are honored to share with you. With every Tabanero cigar you are enjoying an element of our history, our heritage and the desire we have to create those cigars right here in the United States. Take a moment to look over our selection of offerings and let us help you see why our passion for making cigars is at the heart of all we do.
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Get to know Tabanero Cigars
We make cigars for everyone: puppets, paupers, pirates, poets, pawns and kings. All men are created equal; it’s the cigar that sets them apart.