Halloween Night Female Impersonator Shows featuring Joey Brooks, Esme Russell, Beverly Wilde and Jasmine Skiies. Showtimes 11:30PM and 1:15AM. Costume Contest at midnight with $500 in CASH prizes!
Event Details
Coming up Halloween Night at Bradley's on 7th, we have a great Halloween Themed Show cooking up for you with Joey Brooks, Esme Russell, Beverly Wilde and Jasmine Skiies! Showtimes are 11:30PM and 1:15AM. Enter into our Halloween Costume Contest @ midnight with $500 in CASH PRIZES! $300 1st Place, $150 2nd Place and $50 3rd Place! Great music all night long with VJ Charles Machado in the video bar and DJ Steve Vaughn in the dance bar starting at 10PM. Bradley's Boys will be in the house all night to tantalize you! Bradley's on 7th, your place for Halloween Night! NEVER A COVER!