Sat Mar 3, 10:00 AM - Sat Mar 10, 10:00 PM
1600 East 8th Avenue, Tampa, FL 33605

Community: Ybor City


A week-long celebration of all things beer featuring tastings, special releases, and more at tons of beer-centric businesses across Tampa Bay.

Event Details

Get ready, Tampa Bay beer lovers. The First Annual Tampa Bay Beer Week is coming and gearing up to be the biggest beer event of the year in Tampa.

The event was the collective idea of a number of major players including brewers, bars/restaurants, and distributors across the Tampa Bay Area.

Tampa Bay Beer Week will kick off with The Florida Brewer's Guild Beerfest at the Centro Ybor complex in Ybor City on Saturday, March 3. The event will feature over 100 different craft beers from all around the state of Florida.

Other events during Tampa Bay Beer Week will include beer pairings, special-release beer parties, brewery nights, home brewing demonstrations, and much more.

The event will end with Cigar City Brewery's 3rd Annual Hunahpu's Day on Saturday, March 10. This will be a small beerfest with an expected 2,000 in attendance for the annual release of the brewery's most highly regarded beer, Hunahupu's Imperial Stout.

For more information, visit the event website listed above.
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