Sat Jul 15, 6:00 PM - Sat Jul 15, 10:00 PM
1 Steinbrenner Dr, Tampa, FL 33614

Community: Westshore District


Come join Epilepsy Services Foundation's Group Outing to the Tampa Yankees game! Great price, great giveaways, great time! 6:00p.m. arrival and meet as a group. 6:30p.m. = game time!

Event Details

***The Game is between the Tampa Yankees and Florida (both farm clubs)

Cost: $12/person includes: Lower reserved ticket, Tampa Yankees hat & a voucher for a scooter hot dog, bag of chips, regular fountain drink or bottle of water. OR use as a $5 voucher for any food and beverage!

For a group of 15, we get a welcome message on the video board

For a group of 30, we get a photo on-field (pre-game)!

Please RSVP on FB and contact 813.374.8907 or before June 25th so we can reserve the tickets and seats! We need an accurate head count so please RSVP as soon as possible. Hope to see you all there!
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