Frank Nunez is an author, blogger, hitting instructor, movie buff and a huge Phil Collins fan. His latest book, "Tweak," is a no-nonsense way to get creative and accomplish your goals.
My writing philosophy is based on making sure I entertain, educate, and inspire my readers. We read because by nature we are creative beings. I believe creativity doesn’t just belong to artists. It belongs to anyone who wants to create something of value they think will benefit the people around them. From entrepreneurs to educators, creativity transcends many different fields, and we owe it to ourselves and the world to be more creative with our God-given talents.
Throughout my journey as a writer, I discovered something that has changed my life. I realized that we all have a story to tell. Each of us has the power to be the hero in our own lives. We have the power to create our own story and write each new chapter with a sense of awe of how beautiful life really is. All of us are the authors of our own lives. It’s up to us to decide what story we’re going to write.