Founded in 1925, Winn-Dixie employs more than 48,000 associates who serve customers in approximately 518 grocery stores, 145 liquor stores and 393 in-store pharmacies throughout the five southeastern states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi.
Winn-Dixie has a dynamic history of a strong work ethic and determination to succeed. Learning from our history and using that perspective has shown us what the power of teamwork can accomplish. Thanks to the efforts of thousands of Winn-Dixie associates, we are ready to meet the demands of an intensely competitive marketplace with a fresh focus and renewed spirit of service to our customers. Winn-Dixie's parent company, Southeastern Grocers, LLC, is the fifth-largest conventional supermarket chain in the U.S. and the second-largest conventional supermarket in the southeast based on store count.
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Winn-Dixie Stores, Inc. is a subsidiary of Southeastern Grocers, which is the fifth-largest supermarket chain in the United States based on store count.