Belmar Gardens
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Balmar Gardens is a South Tampa neighborhood that is mostly made up of single-family houses from 1 bedroom to 5 bedrooms.
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Places You Should Consider
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3225 S MacDill Ave, Tampa FL, 33629G. Elliot's Tampa catering company is a full service caterer that has been serving the Tampa Bay Area since 1993 including owning and operating several...
421 S MacDill Ave, Tampa FL, 33609
A Palma Ceia staple for almost a decade, our nightly drink specials appeal to both beer and liquor drinkers alike. Feel free to get a little inspiration...
516 South Howard Avenue, Tampa FL, 33606
Luv Child is a nostalgic place to gather, an all-day coffee bar, an exceptional cocktail lounge, with a hang-all-day patio, and always a house party.
Get to know Belmar Gardens
Belmar Gardens is close to Westshore Plaza and many of the restaurants in South Tampa. It is also a close drive to Downtown Tampa, The University of Tampa, Th International Airport and International Mall.