Armory Gardens

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Armory Gardens is an up and coming neighborhood that is close to Downtown and the bustling SOHO nightlife district.

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5.0  5 Rating (4)
1723 W Cypress St., Tampa FL, 33609
Event specialists for large scale public/private events. ​Monica is a natural born planner and honed her organizational skills working as a paralegal...
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970 Lake Carillon Drive Suite 300, St. Petersburg FL, 33716
Acuity is the real estate brokerage that provides the technology behind Acuity Real Estate Services has offices in Tampa and Downtown...
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406 South Howard Avenue, Tampa FL, 33606
Grove Soho is your neighborhood spot that serves exciting contemporary cuisine with a blend of Florida flow, the creative and delicious dishes will have...

Get to know Armory Gardens

Armory Gardens is a neighborhood near Downtown that is close to Amalie Arena, Curtis Hixon Park and the restaurants and bars that line South Howard Avenue.

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