Sat Apr 17, 10:00 AM - Sat Apr 17, 10:00 PM
Tampa, FL 33602

Community: Downtown Tampa


Celebrate Gasparilla in Tampa!

Event Details

Calling all Pirates!
Since the “powers that be” have seen fit to cancel Gasparilla, fun, and generally impose their scurvy ways upon the good seafaring citizens of Tampa, I have decided to raise a rabble of ruffians, a plethora of pirates, and a fleet of vessels to restore hope to these ravaged waters.
There are few places where a seafaring scallywag might find solace outside Davy Jones’s Locker, but the dockside pubs of Tampa Bay be some of them.
Join me, my ship, and my crew for the first annual Tampa Bay Gasparilla Pub Cruise! We will convene the fleet at sea (TBD location on the bay) and proceed to the first of many fine Tampa Bay dockside establishments with merriment, gusto, and a general sense of rebellion!
Jokes aside, local business owners (small or otherwise) could probably use the business, and we all know that we could use some normalcy. You can’t tell us that we’re not “social distanced” on our boats. Let’s take back Tampa Bay.
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