Sat Jan 19, 8:00 AM - Sat Jan 19, 11:00 AM
600 N. Ashley Drive, Tampa, FL 33602

Community: Downtown Tampa


5K WALK/RUN The 5K Walk/Run for Health kicks off the morning of the first day of the 2-Day Music Fest and is held in honor of Mrs. Felecia Ann Wintons. She was one of the founding members of the Festival and lost her battle with Breast cancer in 2009.

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For those who may not want to participate in the 5K, we are offering a fitness boot camp! The boot camp is a high-intensity class where everyone will be constantly moving at rapid motions doing all forms of workout intervals that incorporate a mix of cardio, strength, power, speed, stamina, balance & flexibility which would target the arms, core, and legs. The Bootcamp is for anyone who has never worked out before lives a sedentary lifestyle or

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