With supermarkets on every corner, the ability to order groceries and have them delivered with the click of a button and local farmer's markets there are plenty of ways to purchase fruits and vegetables; but only one way to get them the freshest way possible. Some farms allow visitors to hand-pick their own fresh fruits and vegetables which is often more affordable than your corner market's price and in larger quantities!
This offers direct marketing for the farmers to save on labor and shipping costs while offering consumers the freshest produce at the lowest prices. Popular U-Pick farms, as they are coined, include blueberries, strawberries, grapes, peaches, citrus, sweet corn and tomatoes. At times you can even pick onions, potatoes, chestnuts, star fruit and avocados at certain times. Here is a list of local U-Pick Farms in the 813area for your fresh produce needs!
Hydro Harvest Farms
Bob's Berries

Spivey Farms
Spivey Farms offers farm fresh strawberries for U-Pick strawberries in-season, with two quarts for $1 cash only! The season varies, but usually begins in March. "Strawberry" onions are also for sale to the general public and pricing varies on size and shape.
Berry Bay Farms
Favorite Farms, Inc.
Wish Farms

The Southern Peach Company
The Southern Peach Company offers U-Pick sweet peaches while supplies last with prices varying from $12 per bucket or $20 for two buckets. Follow their Facebook page for information on picking sessions.

Parke Family Hydro Farms
This hydroponic and insecticide/pesticide free farm is owned and operated by Parkesdale Farms and Parkesdale Farm Market. They offer U-Pick strawberries and onions during strawberry season.