Grand Prix Tampa Ratings & Reviews
Grand Prix Tampa Ratings & Reviews

Grand Prix is one of the coolest things to do in Tampa! Definitely a family-friendly activity in Tampa

Pros: Excellent batting cages, I personally go every Saturday I can. Never did the Go Karts, but I heard the put-put golf is really fun. But I definitely recommend the batting cages. They have speeds of 60-97 MPH. Let's go hit 'em.
Cons: Not too clean inside where the games are, but it is a busy place with allot of kids around.

This place has a lot of potential if they hire a completely new staff that arent punk kids. There are a lot of teenagers that hang out here and I would consider this a lower class establishment due to the environment of the place as well. Ghetto is a good word to describe. But, if you are willing to deal with that fun, then this could be a fun place for kids. Make sure you have a weapon handy in the car if neccessary
Pros: A lot of fun stuff to keep you and the kids entertained for hours
Cons: Ghetto environment. Employees young kids, using a lot of profanity, and very unprofessional environment. Could be a lot of fun if you are young, and wish to be in an environment of uneducated trouble.

Pros: They offer a variety of recreational activities and good for entertaining parties.
Cons: Not an impressive mini-golf course by no means but it is one of the only ones in Tampa other than those in Clearwater & St Petersburg areas.