When you see radio personality Kristi Thomas from b98.7, you’re going to notice something new. She’s gone pink! Pink hair that is. When women comment on it, she always has a question for them too, asking, “Have you had your mammogram yet?” It’s a personal story for Thomas who lost her mom 18 years ago to breast cancer.
Thomas and her husband Chadd host the popular morning show on b98.7 from 5-10 a.m. every weekday morning. They brought their witty banter to Beasley Media Group in February after having cultivated a following in the Tampa Bay market and community for the last twenty years. Chadd’s mom is a breast cancer survivor so their whole family has been touched by the disease.
Beasley has partnered with Hungry Howie's Pizza all this month to help battle breast cancer with their Love, Hope & Pizza campaign. Listeners are encouraged to upload a photo with a short description of their story. One weekly winner is being selected to win a Hungry Howie's Pizza Prize Pack. Both Kristi and Chadd have found the personal stories heartwarming and inspiring.

The Thomas’ were already civic-minded with their Random Acts of Kindness campaign so teaming up with Love, Hope & Pizza was a perfect fit. Hungry Howie’s makes a donation to the National Breast Cancer Foundation for every pizza purchased in October. “We’re pleased to partner with Chadd & Kristi of b98.7 to promote breast cancer awareness.Through Love, Hope & Pizza, Hungry Howie’s has raised over $2 million dollars for the National Breast Cancer Foundation,” said Jennifer Hearn, President of Hungry Howie’s Florida. “We’re proud to be part of this Pink program with Chadd & Kristi that recognizes stories of love, hope, and inspiration."
Chadd and Kristi met as journalism students at the University of Florida and have been together ever since. They’re committed to making the world a better place any way they can. Chadd likes to say,"it’s not all about us.” Kristi encourages early detection. It’s something she wished her mom would have done. Her mom missed a mammogram for two consecutive years before getting her diagnosis. Her dad feels so strongly that early detection can help that he pulled Chadd aside after his wife’s death telling him it was up to him to make sure his wife got her annual mammogram if Kristi wasn't going to do it on her own.
When not doing good deeds around Tampa Bay, you might find Kristi at Sephora or Chadd catching up on a science fiction flick. Together with their two kids they also enjoy attending amusement parks and traveling, where Chadd says, “The fireworks never get old!”
You can do your part by helping fight breast cancer by eating more pizza! Make a purchase with any Hungry Howie's location to support their Love, Hope & Pizza campaign through October 31st. With over $2 million dollars raised, Hungry Howie's has funded free mammograms to thousands of women through Moffitt Cancer Center of Tampa.
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