With the Fourth of July falling on a Tuesday this year who wants to party like an American rock star Tuesday night to then drag your butt into work Wednesday dead tired, or worse yet hungover?
Club Prana invites us to come out Monday Night for one of the wildest parties this 4th of July weekend in Tampa. And the best part, they afford us the gift of Tuesday for recovery!

Club Prana's Foam Parties are off the hook, wild, out-of-control fun. If you've never been, now is the time to get outside of that box of yours and celebrate American Independence dancing in a sea of cloud-like bubbles!
It's just good clean fun. This Monday, July 3rd, you will find the Foam on the 5th floor, YES, the Rooftop Party Deck. Ladies, wear a bikini and you get in FREE all night long! Guys, think foam friendly attire.

This is 'Merica we are celebrating, up your game this Monday night and go VIP this 4th of July - Call 813-758-7755 to arrange a table and or bottle service.

As always, 813area photographers will be partying with you, look for them, they take FREE photos of you and your force and sometimes have free offers to share too! Find more fun things to do this Fourth of July and all year long, register on 813!