The Country's Cutest Zoo Baby Contest was held by and the cute competition came down to three fuzzy finalists. The heart warming three were Aurora the Bornean Orangutan from the Houston Zoo, Caspian the Eurasian Eagle Owl from the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden, and finally Kasi the Cheetah from Tampa Busch Gardens.
Taking the win, with a margin greater than 40 percent, was Kasi the Cheetah from Tampa Busch Gardens. The cuteness is almost too much to handle as you hear the story of the unlikely bond between Kasi and his best friend, a female Labrador puppy. The two co-habitate with each other and have formed a seemingly unbreakable bond. Kasi is treasured by both staff and guests to Busch Gardens' Cheetah Hunt area, and is being taken care of by some of the most caring, professional and experienced staff the country's zoos have to offer.