Fri Apr 7, 5:30 PM - Fri Apr 7, 6:30 PM
2514 Leaning Pine Ln, Plant City, FL 33565

Community: Plant City


Family Fun Easter Egg Hunt! Over 7,000 Candy-Filled-Eggs! Openings Are Now Available. Come and join us for one of the best Easter events in Tampa.

Event Details

7000+ easter egg hunt | local family fun event

(all participants must have their eventbrite ticket. Children will be allowed to find up to 25 candy-filled eggs each.)

Below are the dates and time slots available. The egg hunts will be for ages 12 and under (organized by age group for a more intimate & fun paced event). Please pre-register to reserve your spot!

•thursday, april 6th, 2023: 5:30pm

•friday, april 7th, 2023: 5:30pm

•updated time: saturday, april 8th, 2023: 3:30pm & 5:00pm

Children will be organized into groups based on age to help keep the event fun for everyone:

Ages 1-5

Ages 6-8

Ages 9-12

Note: a child participant ticket will be required for participation. Participants may only participate at their scheduled time. There is a recommended love donation of $15 per child, and all proceeds will benefit a land of delight natural farm & nursery. We thank you in advance for your generosity!

Here are some tips for your visit:

The event will take place on a farm. Dress appropriately, and wear footwear such as close-toed shoes.

Bring your own easter basket to collect eggs.

Each child can find up to 25 candy-filled eggs!

There will be golden eggs and prizes!

Come ready for hula hoop & dance contests, and great photo opportunities with mr. Easter bunny.

Our animals are friendly and love visitors; be ready to meet them!

Check out our aquaponics system, feed the fish, and visit the greenhouses. Free aquaponics and growing classes are offered on saturdays at 10:30am.

Bring extra spending money for the best ever hawaiian shaved ice snow cones, all beef hotdogs, t-shirts, and raw local honey.

Have fun and enjoy!

Note: details subject to change.
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