First Presbyterian Church

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404 W Reynolds St
Plant City, FL 33563 Plant CityRate and review
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1. We believe in the total Sovereignty, Power and Providence of God. God is the beginning and end of all things.

2. We believe that in Jesus Christ, the Word of God became flesh and dwelt among us. In Jesus Christ, the Triune God and His promise and purpose for us is revealed.

3. Trinity - We believe in one God Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

4. We recognize and confess the human sin of idolatry, tyranny, and prideful disobedience, and our total inability to achieve a right relationship with God on our own. It is only through God's grace that we are saved and enabled enjoy a daily walk with Him.

5. We believe that Salvation is the gracious act of God by through faith in Jesus Christ alone. No other name is given under Heaven by which we are saved.

6. We Believe that the Bible is the Holy and inspired Word of God, and is the final rule of faith, life, and obedience.

7. We believe that the Election of the people of God for is service as well as for salvation.

8. We believe in God's active involvement in the covenant community of God's people.

9. We believe that God demands an attitude of faithful stewardship of ourselves, our gifts, our resources, and His creation.

10. We believe that we are called be disciples of Jesus Christ and to stand on his truth so our community will know His love, grace, freedom, and hope. Through prayer, fellowship and study, we are called to be His

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Great counter-serve pizzeria chain best known for its always hot pizza and flavored crusts, such as sesame, garlic herb or butter cheese.
2424 US-92 E, Plant City FL, 33566

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First Presbyterian is a member of the Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians.

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