Mon Sep 24, 5:00 PM - Mon Sep 24, 8:00 PM
3973 Van Dyke Rd., Lutz, Fl 33558

Community: Lutz


$25 Per Person Includes Pickup at Panini's at 5pm and drop off at Panini's after the Game.Party bus holds 30 people but we will only be selling 25 passes to ensure comfort.

Event Details

Bus will be stocked with complimentary beers and fresh pizza from Paninis. Feel free to bring your own mini coolers if you would like any other drinks or snacks. A large cooler with ice and cups will be provided.Tickets are non Refundable / First Come First ServeYou must provide your own ticket to the Game.Buy your party bus ticket now to reserve your seat! Click the link above or go to and search for our event.

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