Human beings have been fascinated with the night sky for longer than we have written records. Star patterns and movements made the ocean navigable centuries before GPS was conceived. In today’s fast paced and technology led society, World Space Week (Oct 2-11) is designed to re-familiarize and re-educate those of us who have lost sight of the sky. MOSI - Museum of Science & Industry, where adults and children alike are fascinated, is the Tampa platform for World Space Week.
MOSI has gone all out and there are an enormous amount of activities to see and do. If you want a relaxing view of the night sky in the daytime, there are five Planetarium shows a day. Dr. Metzger, winner of the Silver Snoopy Award (surprisingly prestigious, considering the name), is an expert in solar system exploration and will be making speeches on Oct. 5th. The public is encouraged to participate and there will be a Q&A session after each speech.

Feel free to design a rocket and test it in the IdeaZone, where you may find rocket science is exactly as hard as it sounds. There are real accounts of exploration disasters from the Apollo missions and you can find out why 3D printing holds such promise for the future of space travel (Hint: it involves both tools AND food). Head to the moon and help operate a lunar colony while learning about drastic temperature shifts that occur in a vacuum. There is a scavenger hunt that will have you traveling all over MOSI’s various space themed exhibits and much much more.
See you out there at MOSI for World Space Week! Way, way out there!