7 Home Repairs You Should Never Put Off

Published By Sarah Loiler on 31 Dec 2019

HOMEE is the latest and greatest app to hit the market and makes home repairs more convenient than ever before. With HOMEE's free and user-friendly app, clients can now request a handyman, plumber, local electrician, or HVAC professional and they'll get to work usually within 30 minutes of your request! If you're wondering what repairs might need to be kept up with when owning or renting a home, you might be lost and don't worry, you're definitely not alone on this! Here are 7 Home Repairs You Should Never Put Off!

Wood Rot

If you have decks or a porch made out of wood, you might want to monitor for wood rot. This is a common home repair that should never be put off because broken and weak panels in the flooring can cause serious injuries to you and anyone else that might step on this flooring.

Clogged Gutters

One might not think that clogged gutters are a repair that should never be put off but they provide severe slipping hazards when water is unable to flow through them. If water spills over the top of your gutters during below freezing outside temperatures, this water can freeze on the pavement causing a slipping hazard. Clogged gutters can also become the perfect home for squirrels, snakes and other animals!

Water Spots

Water spots on your walls and ceiling may seem harmless but can encourage the growth of mold over time which can cause serious health problems the longer you're around them.

Loose Caulking

Loose caulking around the door, window frames, and around your sinks and faucets is not only an eye-sore but can also cause water to enter into your home and build-up, allowing water spots and mold growth. If your energy bill is higher than normal it's a good idea to inspect your home for damaged caulking. Depending on the quality, caulking should be redone every 5 years. In the long run, maintaining this quick home repair costs a lot less than fixing water damage. 

Roof Repairs

Roof repairs are one of the most expensive repairs that homeowners may face which also makes it the biggest repair that homeowners put off. Cracked shingles and leaks in your roof can cause structural damage and shouldn't be put off for too long.

Foundation Repairs

Cracks in the foundation of your home can occur over time and are usually small. If these repairs are not amended over time, the cracks can worsen and might lead to homeowners having to replace the entire foundation of their home!

Gas Leaks

One of the most dangerous things in your home is gas. If there are gas leaks in your home, this can cause not only fires but also breathing problems. Gas leaks should be fixed as quickly as possible.

If these repairs seem daunting, don't worry. HOMEE has a home repair professional in your area


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Definitely agree with the tip about caulking. We had a serious draft problem last year and it could have gotten way worse if we didn't catch it before a big storm.